
2014 -

The photographic section consists of 29 photos of dogs. They were photographed in rescue and killing pounds, in the streets and in nature. The series contains arranged portrait photography and conventional documentary photography. The text section examines the reasons why hundreds of thousands of dogs in Spain are mistreated and abandoned each year. Possible solutions to these problems are then explored from animal rights, philosophical and photographic perspectives.
The central theme of the thesis is understanding how different and competing discourses contribute to the problem. For example, it examines how discourses of masculinity and femininity appear in Spanish culture, as well as in the ‘work’ of making and doing photography. It is also an examination of the discourse which mediates the relations of dominance between human and non-human species.
Another essential theme is authorship and the author's personal perspective when making a documentary photograph. The second chapter explores the making of the photographic series and its challenges. The text also reflexively examines the author’s position in the discourse and its possible effects on the photographic process.
Key questions include: is it possible to influence and potentially change a culture that, in principle, displays overtly masculine and/or degrading attitudes towards non-human species? Can photography contribute towards changing these attitudes and what photos might best serve this purpose? An important concept throughout the text is empathy and its application to the author's work. The text concludes that introducing empathetic discourses can be a possible solution to changing or eliminating the problem. Different discourses of human experience produce different perspectives; understanding discourses experienced by others can help to create a sense of empathy as opposed to confrontation. In this case, the photograph becomes something more; it becomes an expressive tool of information and possible persuasion.

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